POTD vs Luck
Isn’t it funny how taking photos can bring the unknown in us?
Today, like every Tuesday, I set up shop at a nearby apartment complex which offers a communal space with free WiFi, an onsite coffee shop, and, most importantly, a comfy couch. Turns out, one of my friends just moved into this apartment building last month and he noticed me working on my laptop this morning. We chatted for a few minutes and he asked if I’d like a tour of the private premises. The building offers two gyms, a pool, rooftop, a backyard with a fire pit and Miami-like lounge chairs with umbrellas.
After the tour I decided to stay in the backyard and finish my tasks for the day, while only one person stopped in and out throughout the 3 hours I was there.Other than residents waling their dogs, that is. I was texting several people and my phone gave me that 1% battery warning, that’s when I decided it’s time to take a photo and document my “office of the day” as I like to call it. I snapped 5 photos, mostly of the fire pit and the last two of the always-enchanting string lights. I left the premises and got home.
While i plugged my phone to a charger, I carelessly edited the 3 photos of string lights in the VSCO app and opened one in Instagram to start posting. My initial “vision” was to have one bulb up-close, while the rest of the lights were in the background, coating the urban brick building. I posted the pic, added the usual hashtags, and went on with the day, then checked Instagram. Then after a few hours, I opened the app again, but this time, I looked closely. Turns out the photo I chose was accidentally perfect. Why? The lightbulb i focused on was broken, and still lit.
Sometimes, we find inspiration and beauty in things we don’t even think twice about. I got lucky with this photo. I had no idea the bulb was broken. Yet I chose it to be in focus. Do you have a photo you accidentally, or carelessly took, that turned out to be extra good?