How To Make Frozen Pierogi Taste Homemade
Sometimes you just don’t have time.
You come home from work, sink full of dishes from the morning/night before… You only have two options: order a $20 pizza, or make those frozen store bought pierogi. Okay, your third option is not to eat dinner tonight. So of course you go with the pierogi route. My Mariona’s Market sells just Kasia’s Pierogi, which happen to be pretty tasty if you make them right. Now this is important, I’m about to share a pretty AWESOME secret of making frozen pierogi taste like the most delicious meal you’ve ever had. Here’s how to make frozen pierogi taste homemade:
1 package of frozen pierogi of your choice (I only used half a package today)
half an onion of your choice, I like yellow onions
5-6 asparagus stems, chopped into 3/4″
Mangia.tv Cajun Dry Rub – or spice of your choice (I like Mangia because of the nice spiciness, buy it here)
sour cream – a dollop or two
green onions, chopped
But first, let’s tackle that sink full of dirty dishes. Ugh. So you realize that it will probably take about ~10 minutes to wash all those dishes, so let’s start with boiling the water with some salt and the frozen pierogi in it. While you’re waiting for your frozen pierogi to cook, you can wash all those dishes now. This seemed pretty easy! Now you have a clean sink, your pierogi are almost done, and it’s only been about 10 minutes. Awesome!
My trick to amazing pierogi is to sear them after you boil them. I KNOW, RIGHT!? Something so simple can be a huge game changer. So Heat some oil in the pan on medium heat, while that is happening, take your pierogi out of the water and into a colander to dry a bit. Chop some yellow onions, some asparagus and you’re almost ready for part deux. This is another awesome tip to making frozen pierogi taste great: before you throw them on, “cook the pan” – meaning dust some spice on the hot pan AND on the pierogi, THEN add the pierogi to the nice hot pan, along with your onions and asparagus, or greens of your choice. Let all that sear for a bit, about 3-5 min per side, let it brown and crisp. If your onions get brown faster than the pierogi then take them out and start plating.
While this is all getting nice and crispy brown, get some sour cream on the plate, chop some green onions. Get the forks ready. What’s that smell? Oops! Don’t forget to turn the pierogi! After that, make a bed of your onions+asparaguses, add pierogi, you can sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top if you want! How is it? Tastes great, right?! No? You must have done something wrong!!! Follow my instructions exactly next time and I bet they’ll taste AMAZING!
Here’s a picture of mine from tonight. Doesn’t that look great??! MMmmm, so good! (I can tell you’re drooling, btw!)