Leather Jacket
I bought this awesome leather jacket from Guess about 8-9 years ago, wore the spirit out of it and was very sad to realize it’s time to let it go (in the closet, not the trash, you silly duck!) So I’ve been looking around for a new one lately and everything was bleh or meh, nothing worth writing home. I went to check out an apartment in Lincoln Park today (which was so so so adorable, but so so so tiny for my family of 2 plus 4 furballs.. ugh.) Afterwords, I grabbed some Happy Hour beer and Tapas at Cafe Baba reeba! and as I was walking back to the L I saw a “sale” sign on a boutique I never noticed before – Thread Lounge – going out of business (sad emoji).
I walked in and did NOT want to leave! Racks and racks full of $10-$25-$45 jackets, blouses and pants! Unique finds for almost no dollars is what I live for! I ended up getting TWO cute leather jackets, a stripped blazer (I probably wear once but hey, it was CHEAP!) and a pretty impulse driven boho-looking shirt. What do you think? All for 200 buckaroos! What do you think, worth it or not?