Doggie PJs – Tails in the City
Here’s a story about how I ended up getting PJs for my two dogs at Tails in the City.
It was the last weekend before Christmas and I was still missing gifts for my boyfriend’s parents. So I went downtown, on Mag Mile. The beautifully lit and not-so-beautifully-crowded Magnificent Mile. Thought, it’ll be so joyful, I’ll swing by Ghiradelli for some hot chocolate and of course the winter holiday scenery will make me feel like shopping is something i enjoy.
I ended up walking down Delaware Ave, and noticed a cute little sign saying Tails in the City. It immediately caught my attention so I grabbed bf’s hand and dragged him inside. It was an adorable, tiny little pet boutique, filled with the cutest darnest little sweaters, collars, doggie treats, toys, carriers… pajamas… yes. Pajamas. And to be more specific; monkey PJs. The little “onesies”, that make your pup all cozy when they’re sleeping. Kind of like a snuggie, for a pup! They offered them in four different colors, not surprising! And it has a little hoodie, with monkey ears! I’m not going to lie, $32 for some Pjs seemed a little much to me, but this time it was my man who gave in and said we HAVE to get them. So we did. And I am glad for that, because seeing Chuck and Oprah in these cute little things would make the saddest/worst day suddenly much much better.
This is my new favorite spot, and one of the employees (maybe owners) mentioned that Oprah Winfrey herself shops there for her little four legged furballs. (what a coincidence with my little one called Oprah, too, right?)
So the sizes run a little more “couture” i guess, for my 6.6 lb Oprah i purchased a Medium in pink, and for my 11 lb Chuck Norris the girl recommended I get an XL, and we got him a blue one. Oprah’s fits perfect, a little baggy, but she’s long so a Small would be too small on her. Chuck’s is too big though, so I am going to exchange
for a Large tomorrow.
I peeked on their Facebook page, they have allll these cute little contests, they love their customers, post their pictures on their wall and are very interactive. I really love that about them. The employees/owners are very helpful and super nice. I am so very glad I found the little boutique! Tails in the City, I can’t wait to visit you again and spoil my two furry babies!