Conan in Chicago
I’ve been trying to score freebies lately so when i saw an entry form to go to Conan’s live taping in Chicago I pretty much jumped out of my skin, stood outside of it, and gave it a slap on a face! They made me choose what day I wanted to go, I figured, well, people rarely call off work on Tuesdays so I might have better chances to get selected, right?! TOTALLY RIGHT!
Today was the day. I couldn’t sleep last night I was so excited! I woke up early, went to claim my tickets and waited. And waited some more. And went to the show at The Chicago Theatre downtown.
Yeah, I had crappy seats, there was no way my face will be on TV tonight. But that’s not what I’m about to complain about. I want to complain about tall and/or big people. Doesn’t it make sense that, if you’re 6ft+ you’d get out of the way? And I’m not talking only about today. I’m talking about my whole life’s outing experiences. I’m 5ft5, on a good day, and ever since I can remember, I always got stuck behind a giant pumpkin headed human. I have nothing against you being big. pfft, kudos, for takin crap from chandeliers and door frames all your lives. But for the love of Conan O’Brien, please look behind you every now and then, and acknowledge the fact that one little midget sized girl in front of you won’t make a difference as big as you standing in front of her!
Ugh. Ok, now that I got it out… I had crappy seats. Two pumpkin sized heads blocked the stage view, one skinny 6ft5er blocked the tv monitor view… So I relied on my hearing today. I sneaked in a few most likely illegal photos and here I am, one awesome experience richer. Conan was hilarious, Andy Samberg shot a g-string gun at the audience, I got me a Team Coco shirt, I laughed out loud almost non stop, and I’m completely over anything bad that happened today (aka Pumpkin Head Giants, I forgive you for blocking my view today. No I don’t. You still suck)